Sunday, November 25, 2018

Address by Comrade SK Senthivel at the 29th Commemoration of the Late Comrade KA Subramaniam on 25th November 2018

 Whoever Leads, Nothing Will Happen in the Interest of the People 

Comrade SK Senthivel addressing the 29th Commemoration of the late comrade KA Subramaniam said that the parliamentary political crisis that Sri Lanka faces as a result of the executive power of the President is more of a storm in a teacup, with rival ruling class factions vying for power. He further added that the crises facing the country are the manifestations of economic, political, social and cultural problems that could not be resolved by seventy years of parliamentary government including forty years under the constitution that enabled executive presidential rule. Neither the Soulbury constitution of 1947 nor Sirimavo Bandaranayake’s constitution of 1972 nor JR Jayewardene’s constitution of 1978 bring any benefit or blessing to the country or its people. If at all, especially under the forty years of parliamentary government under executive presidential rule, there remain unresolved economic crises and a war and destruction that resulted from the failure to solve the national question. At the same time, behind the scenes of war, liberalization, privatization, foreign multinational companies and domination by private capital investment have established themselves in the country. This was carried forward by the two main political parties of the South that took turns to remain in power at the centre. They were advised and guided by foreign powers, which also arranged to provide the government with massive loans at high interest rates. As a result, the country has to pay back billions of dollars to service the loans. Exports have fallen and imports have risen, and production  economy has declined while consumption has increased. As a net result, the exchange rate for the rupee is passing 180 rupees to the US dollar. The toiling masses who comprise the majority of the country have to bear the burden of all these and face the crises created. None of the sides that are competing for power is prepared to provide an answer or to alter the economic structure. At the same time the constitution, executive power and parliament have failed and stand exposed. Thus, whoever may lead the above failed systems, nothing will happen in the interest of the people. The people should come forward to think about these from a political and economic perspective and to carry forward an alternative political programme with a long-term perspective. The people should get ready to carry forward pro-people political and economic programmes on a broad basis. The word democracy is spelt out aloud by some. But the democracy that they talk about has failed to secure anything for the toiling masses or the oppressed nationalities. The reason is that the democracy that they shout aloud is a democracy entirely in the interest of the capitalist elite upper classes. It is under this democracy that the toiling masses experience crises of life including exploitation, inequality, unemployment, poverty and ethnic conflict. Territorial oppression against minority nationalities is on the increase. Hence there is a need to secure a democracy in which people participate. Today’s political crises demonstrate that an alternative pro-people political programme has to be carried forward, transcending the political parties of the ruling chauvinist capitalist classes that are stirring storms in teacups in the interest of their pursuit of power. The need has arisen to take the path of mass struggle. There will be no relief for the toiling people of the South under the parliamentary representative system that has been repeatedly ruined and rendered useless. The chauvinist upper class big capitalist ruling factions Marxist Leninist New Democracy 68 page 69 are clashing among themselves for power. In this matter, the dominant forces of the North and East, and the Hill Country are taking stands in line with their respective class interests. They do not have any interest in the fundamental rights of the people they represent or about immediate problems that demand to be resolved or need that have to be fulfilled. Thus all of them are clearly demonstrating their respective class positions. The toiling masses and people oppressed based on race, language, region, caste, community and religion should therefore realize this well and identify an alternative political path that suits them, and follow the theory and practice that will enable them to take that path.

English "Oru Communist Inaiyar Valvin Santhippukal" - Encounters in the Life of a Communist Spouse

English "Oru Communist Inaiyar Valvin Santhippukal" -  Encounters in the Life of a Communist Spouse
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